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Mission, Vision, Purpose


The mission of the BSWCD is to promote the appropriate and efficient use of soil and water
resources, protect water quality, prevent floodwater and sediment damage, preserve wildlife,
protect public lands, and protect and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the people
of Bradford County.

The vision of the BSWCD is to perform duties listed as Powers of Districts and Supervisors in
Florida Statutes 582.20:
To conduct surveys, studies, and research relating to soil and water resources and to publish and
disseminate the results of such surveys, studies, research, and related information;
To conduct agricultural best management practices demonstration projects and projects for the
conservation, protection, and restoration of soil and water resources;
To cooperate, or enter into agreements with, any special district, municipality, county, water
management district, state or federal agency, governmental or otherwise, or owner or occupier of
lands within the district’s boundaries;
To provide, or assist in providing, training and education programs that further the purposes and
provisions of this chapter

The purpose of the soil and water conservation districts is to provide assistance, guidance, and
education to landowners, land occupiers, the agricultural industry, and the general public in
implementing land and water resource protection practices.