1/17/2023 BSWCD Meeting Draft Agenda, Jan 11, 2023
Bradford Soil and Water Conservation District ~ 2266 N Temple Avenue, Starke, FL 32091-1028 ~ (904)368-0291
1/17/2023 BSWCD Meeting 4:30 pm Bradford County Extension Office
Draft Agenda
1. Introductions and Additions to the Agenda
2. Appoint Tara Singletary to fill the vacant BSWCD Seat 1
3. Approve Minutes from previous meeting(s)
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Agency Reports: NRCS, Forestry, Extension
6. Report on Cypress Run Boat Ramp and County FWC Grant Application.
a. Report on concerns about AFCD
b. Annual meeting registration
8. Report on the status of Chemours Trail Ridge IWW renewal permit application and TRS
water use (dewatering permit requirement) and spill/discharge report
9. Report on request to Florida National Guard for access by BSWCD to do water quality
measurements on the SRWMD property west of Trail Ridge South Mine
10. Report on Edwards Bottomlands Mitigation Area
a. FDOT, SRWMD, and BSWCD site visit end of January 26
11. Discuss SRWMD Responses to BSWCD comments
a. Draft concept letter to SRWMD about BSWCD managing SRWMD invasive plant
control on SRWMD properties in Bradford
b. Contact land trusts about getting properties added to the Florida Forever map.
12. Report on Water Supply Planning and review draft BSWCD comments
13. Discuss CISMA Grant application
a. Grant centered on City of Stake properties
14. Discuss a paid Administrator for the BSWCD
15. Discuss Bradford County Fair approve payments in the Budget BSWCD table
16. Supervisors comments
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